BS?? No not Bull Shit... Its Brian and Saundra

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I found this "little" or rather "not so little" guy hanging out on the side of my house yesterday. I couldn't kill it cuz I can't stand the crunch of something like this when you smash it. I couldn't spray it with the raid cuz I thought it would chase me... I know big baby... Brian didn't even want to hear about it. He HATES Spiders...

So I thought my neighbor would get rid of it. NOPE... He just tore down the web and tried to shew it away. Barry says they are harmless. Well they freak me out. So, when Leslie and Dylan came over to help me with some yard work, I gave Dylan a bowl and a lid and he took it away for me... Such a good kid!!

Also I believe these are the same spiders we see when we drive down A1A in the fall.

I have been told that they call these Banan Spiders... It doesn't look anything like any Banana I have ever seen!!

I have also been told the body alone for these spiders can become the size of the palm of your hand!!

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