BS?? No not Bull Shit... Its Brian and Saundra

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update on Brian

Update on Brian: The bone scan revealed a new tumor in his leg. The Dr. decided that since this cancer is not behaving like a typical carcinoid cancer and is moving much faster than the diagnosis suggests and he is going to be more aggressive with the chemo. The new chemo was started today and we would be scheduled to come back in 3-4 weeks for the next treatment.

Unfortunately Brian's body did not accept this treatment well and he is being admitted to the hospital here. He reacted to the chemo with excruciating pain from the neck to the tailbone and was having chest pain. The Dr.'s are keeping him overnight to monitor the pain and pain meds to make sure that is manageble so he can go home. So, our trip home has been postponed and we do not know if he will be continuing this chemo next month. I hope to be able to talk to the Dr. tomorrow to get answers to that question.

As for the new tumor in his leg; Brian is at risk of breaking a hip or his left femur because the tumor has weakened the bones. So when we get back to Florida there will be additional radiation in his future.

1 comment:

Lawna said...

oh my goodness! that is bad. i sooo hope he feels better. if we can help in any way dont hesitate to ask. we love you guys and we are thinking of you always.