BS?? No not Bull Shit... Its Brian and Saundra

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January... What does the new year bring?

Well its January and everyone is busy looking at the credit card bills, their waistlines and setting New Year resolusitons. I somehow managed to lose 10 pounds in December, managed not to create more debt, and have yet to make a New Year resolution. I'm hoping now that I don't find the 10 pounds in January. I think if I were making a New Year resolution it would be to communicate better and to finish things I start. Having follow through might just help to relieve some of my stress...

Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that Brian and I are headed to Illinois on the 18th and will be back home on the 21st. Maggie will be staying with Charlie while we are out of town and we are very greatful to her for being here. This trip comes 3 months after our last trip so there will be new scans and hopefully very good news.

Brian is doing well and enjoying his chair a lot. It helps him to be part of the family rather than being stuck in the bedroom in bed all the time. I really think it was the best purchase of 2010.

Happy New Year to everyone. We love and miss you lots.


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