BS?? No not Bull Shit... Its Brian and Saundra

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What December Brings

December has brought Joy and Happiness to our family along with a few obstacles. But before I go into December I want to remember the Joy's of November. As usual I am behind in blogging... Somethings will never change!

On November 20th we gained a Niece and a Nephew. We want to welcome you both, Justin and Dailynn, to the family though you have been part of the family for quite some time.

December Obstacles first... On December 14th Brian was admitted to the hospital with Pneumonia. It was a mild case and he was out of the hospital by Friday afternoon. We are very happy to have him home again.

December Happiness... We will officially be celebrating Brian's 42nd birthday on Tuesday. However, the festivities began on Friday when I bought him a much needed recliner with built in heat and massage. He will no longer have to go off to the bedroom by himself in the dark when he needs to lay down. He can be in the living room with everyone else enjoying our company. He won't be cold in it for sure and it has a cubby that holds ice packs for cold drinks.

December Joy... On December 15th we welcomed Riley and Reagan Koehler to our ever growing family. They are beautiful and I cannot wait to see them and the rest of the Koehler family in February!!  Maybe more than the Koehler's can join.

AND since I probably won't post again for another month I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR early.

Love you all!!

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